Developing Quality Workflow

What is Workflow?

Image Creative Workflow from,

Work•flow /ˈwərkflō/

“The sequence of industrial, administrative, or other processes through which a piece of work passes from initiation to completion.” –

What is a quality workflow?  How do we develop it?  Below are elements of the production cycle that most creative people move through as they create something.  First, we must identify the stages of project production. What is each stage and what are the quality checks for each stage.  Read on and find out!

Stages of Creation Development


How do we find ideas to develop?

  • Use tools from internet and ideas around you to think of ideas and a purpose.
  • Brainstorm ideas to find what draws you to make a creation.
  • Measure quality by asking yourself if the inspiration can create quality work.
  • Quality is measured by whoever has the inspiration.


How do we clarify our specific goal(s) for a project?

  • Use resources from books, online, and from others to determine what is the intention of the project.
  • Write a list of achievable goals.
  • Quality should be measured by how important goals are and if they will lead to a quality piece.
  • Quality is measured by anyone involved in generating goals.


How can we brainwrite, brainstorm, storyboard, and plan our ideas at this phase?

  • Research how to turn ideas and intentions into a full piece.
  • Make a plan using goals and inspiration.
  • Quality can be measured on how prepared you are for the production.
  • Quality is measured by those included in the idea phase.


How do we communicate with each other and execute our plan for this phase? This is where we actually make the project.

  • Use tools necessary for completing the process successfully.
  • Use the plan from the pre-production phase.
  • Quality is measured by how well the project is coming along.
  • Quality is still measured by those involved in the creation process.


How do we communicate with each other and execute our final stages of the project for this phase? This is where we publish the project.

  • Use knowledge from others to assist with the final stage.
  • Communicate what should be changed and edited.
  • Quality is measured on how well the project is turning out and if it is ready to be shared with others.
  • Quality is measured by those involved in the process and anyone else who has been asked for advice.


How do we share our project with our learning community, advisory members, and the world?

  • Use the project created in the past steps.
  • Share the project with others.
  • Quality is measured by feedback from others.
  • Quality is measured by those seeing the project.


How do we conduct a feedback session at the end of the project development cycle?

  • Use advice from others to edit the project or to use in the future.
  • Ask for feedback to learn from the good and bad of the project.
  • Quality is measured on how actionable the data collected from feedback is and by how much can be learned.
  • Quality is measured by those asking for feedback.

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